
4 Game Reviews w/ Response

All 14 Reviews


Great layout, navigation and presentation. Was pretty easy to follow.

Just a few suggestions on your walk cycles.
See if you can sorta make them a little more fluent/smooth. I pretty much use the same technique, yet those cycles seemed to always snap around in the loop, if ya get me :/
I think it's because you didn't use that many keyframes for the cycle. Usually you require a lot more frames since walking is a slow movement. Yours sorta seemed like a power walk.
Also, with the arms, I find that they naturally tend to swing with the opposite leg.

But yeah anyway, it was pretty good for a basic walk cycle and seemed like a great tutorial for beginner animators. You have the technique down pat, just need a little better execution. Practice makes perfect :P
Keep it up man.

StillBeatingPictures responds:

yeah, it could probably work better with more frames in the cycle, but then again if you throw a 30 frame cycle at someone, it can be intimidating =D

thanks for your review!


That was so lame it was funny.
You had some pretty good comical timing with some of the jokes, even though they were pretty lame. But a few of them, such as the basketball one and the car one were good. That kid came out of no where to reject the ball back into his face.
If you're gonna make another one. Come up with some new ones, spend a lot of time on your graphics, don't use sticks, include some music with it and appropriate sound effects, and improve your voice acting. But keep the timing and stuff that you had in this one.
So basically, it was a good idea, isn't really original, but some of the deaths were kinda lame but funny :/ but your graphics weren;t too good, which is vital to getting a good score.
Good luck with stuff in the future.

Graeme responds:

Graphics are definatly being improved for #2. this was a beginner flash. glad you appreciate the timing of some of them. sound effects are another thing thats definatly being redone.

The only think it your wiew on it being non-sticks. i know there are people who hate sticks, but i like them. and i would hate to animate alot of that using not sticks. and if i used full body for the second one, it wouldn't even feel like a sequel.


Seriously. This was very very nice. The graphics were very cool, the rad arcade style of the whole game, graphics, sound, music, controls...
The voice overs were very cool, they added that extra authenticity and a professional feel to which made it feel like more than a flash game.
Good violence and everything. Gameplay was challenging, and took a bit to get use to but still great.
Awesome work!

BoMToons responds:

Thanks a lot, that makes all this work worth it, that's exactly the feel we were going for...the fun arcadey street-fighter feel. Glad you liked it!

It's almost ok, but you can improove

1.- The idea of this game was already done.
2.- You need to improove your programing, the hitTests were kinda messed up because it was crap, also sometimes a cat or something came out of no where and really fast so you can't avoid it.
3.- The drawing was not ok and pretty messy and the animation was way too chopy
4.- The music wasn't cool and sometimes annoying, but you can make it alot better

Eder responds:

Wow this review was very helpful...
Do you copy every review you don't like and paste it on their submissions, get a life XD

Btw this flash I made is 2 years old if you want to see some of my actual flashes look at my blog.

If you find a game with the same idea before mine was submitted I'll vote 5 on every submission of yours XD

[quote]:hitTests were kinda messed up because it was crap.[/quote]
Damn you have some nice arguments, if you look at the reviews no one else complains about hitTest

Next time you submit another flash don't write on the author's comments ***plz review*** becuause you can't handle them.

PS: Why you tell people they don't have any flashes when you don't like the review? Have you meet someone that criticize movies in magazines and produce movies too?


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